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Thank you for choosing to donate your employees' time, talent and treasure to our mission. Your support is helping to save and improve lives within our community and beyond. 


Turn your time into treasure!

Does your company offer Dollars for Doers?
Many companies offer dollars based on the number of hours their employees volunteer. Taking these simple steps could potentially drive revenue for your community’s Heart Ball campaign by allowing the AHA to receive dollars based on volunteer participation. 

Check to see if your company offers Dollars for Doers and how many volunteer hours are needed. Visit www.heart.org/matchinggifts and scroll to the bottom of the page to see if your company offers these dollars.

Sign-up your company to participate in your community’s Serve Day and invite other companies to join you by asking their employees to participate in volunteer activities that will count toward Dollars for Doers guidelines and submit their hours to donate to the AHA.

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